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Share a Reader Magnet that Showcases YOU, the Author: Offer Your Author Booklist

In the ever-evolving world of book marketing, having a compelling reader magnet is essential to capture and retain the interest of your readers. A reader magnet not only provides valuable content to your readers but also serves as a bridge to build a deeper connection between you, the author, and your readers. One of the…

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Website Extras vs Reader Magnets vs Exclusive Content, and Why You Need Them All!

In the vast landscape of digital marketing, website extras, reader magnets, and exclusive content are three powerful tools that authors use to attract and engage their readers. While they may seem similar on the surface, there are key differences between them, including where they’re available and their intended purpose. Before we talk about the distinctions…

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Character Names Chart: A Literary Guide to Your Heroes and Heroines

Enlighten your readers with a different content idea! Give your readers a Character Name Chart! This useful resource tool can help your readers know and understand your characters to better understand your story! Learn how to make your own Character Name Chart!

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The Power of Your Character Profile

Creating a captivating author platform is more than just marketing your books; it’s about connecting with your readers on a personal level. One potent tool to achieve this is through character profiles. Your character’s profile can become a powerful tool to be used in your content marketing helping you to strengthen your author platform and…

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Unveil Your Magic: Use Inspiration Pictures to Enhance Your Author Website

Imagine a world where your readers could step inside your story – where they can “see” the places that inspired your settings, the faces behind your characters, and the visuals that sparked your creativity. This is the magic of incorporating your inspirations pictures onto your author website. Not only do these images provide your readers…

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Craft Sizzling Content and THRIVE Online

In today’s digital landscape, creating content that sizzles is the only way to thrive online. To achieve this, we live and breathe by the THRIVE acronym. Every piece of content we create must be trending, human, relevant, intentional, valuable, and expert. The types of content we focus on are text, audio, video, graphic, and music…

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How Extra Content Can Solve Your Readers’ Problems

As a romance author, have you ever considered offering bonus materials or behind-the-scenes content to your readers? If not, you might be missing out on a great opportunity to connect with your readers and provide even more value to them. Let’s explore the power of downloadable PDFs and how they can solve various problems for…

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Why All Your Content Should Lead Back to Your Author Website

As a struggling romance author, you pour your heart and soul into creating your story and your characters. You want the world to read your book and become your devoted followers. Yet you know that you need to create the necessary online content for that book to be found and bought. And you know that…

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Essential Content Elements for Your Author Platform

Your author platform is essential to connecting you to your readers! Build a solid foundation with the essential content elements you’ll need to make sure your platform. Learn the essential content you’ll need to build that platform and be able to connect with your readers!

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Entice Readers with Your Book Cover Infographics

Utilizing a book cover infographic is an effective way to not only pique your potential readers’ curiosity, but also to entice them enough to draw them to your website and blog. When thoughtfully designed, a book cover infographic can help show your readers at a glance what your book is about, why it’s different from…

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