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Share a Reader Magnet that Showcases YOU, the Author: Offer Your Author Booklist

In the ever-evolving world of book marketing, having a compelling reader magnet is essential to capture and retain the interest of your readers. A reader magnet not only provides valuable content to your readers but also serves as a bridge to build a deeper connection between you, the author, and your readers. One of the…

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The Power of Informational Reader Magnets: Engage Your Readers with Valuable Content

As an author, one of the most effective ways to engage with your readers and grow your email list is by offering an informational reader magnet. This type of reader magnet provides valuable content that enhances the reader’s understanding and enjoyment of your story world. Let’s explore the benefits of sharing informational content and present…

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30 Motivational Quotes to Keep Romance Authors Inspired During NaNoWriMo

For authors of any genre, November is a significant month. It’s the National Novel Writing Month, commonly called NaNoWriMo! During this month, writers all over the world commit to writing 50,000 words of their novel. It’s a challenge that requires disciple, motivation, and perseverance. The sheer magnitude of the task can seem daunting, and many…

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Build a Strong Online Presence with the Essential Website Content Pages (FREE Checklist)

Build a strong online presence with the essential website content pages checklist! FREE checklist download!

Your romance author website is an essential tool in your content marketing. Understanding the benefits of a website and adding the essential pages is key to making your website work for you and not against you. FREE checklist included!

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Content Ideas to Make into PDFs to Make Your Author Website Stand Out!

Take the time to add unique and interesting content extras to your author website is a way to help your site stand out amongst the rest! Here’s how to do it:

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Hook Your Readers with Your Story’s Excerpt

Upgrade your romance story excerpt with a downloadable and even printable pdf. Use this content template to easily and quickly create your own to give to your readers. Sign up to get your FREE template!

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365 Content Ideas to Build a Sustainable and Reusable Content Marketing Plan (FREE Download)

The Complete List of Content Ideas - FREE download when you sign up!

Want your readers coming back for more? Then you need to give your readers content they actually want to read, see, watch or have!! Continue reading to find 7 content categories that you can share with your readers. And if you sign up, you can get a FREE download filled with 365 content ideas to…

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