Stages of Your Content: A Marketing Framework

As a romance author, one of the essential aspects of your marketing strategy is content creation. Content marketing is an effective way to connect with your target readers and drive engagement.

However, creating content is not enough.

Your content must have a purpose and should convince your readers to take action. Let’s dive into how your content should be DOING something in your content marketing strategy using the awareness – consideration – decision framework, emphasizing on how each content piece should persuade readers to take action – with examples on how to apply this in your content marketing.

Awareness Stage

The awareness stage is where you create content that introduces your brand and books to your target readers.

At this point, your goal is to increase author brand awareness and make your target readers familiar with your published books. Your content should provide value to your readers and make them want to learn more about you and your books.

For instance, you can write blog articles, offer social media updates, share infographics, or even create video trailers that highlight not only your books but also your literary achievements, the themes in your books, all the while using your unique author voice.

The key here is to provide content that’ll pique your reader’s interest and encourage them to keep reading (or scrolling).

A captivating hook, a strong opening line, and a descriptive scene that sets up your story can convince readers to dive deeper and go into your space (your author website and blog) to see what else you have to offer.

For example, for your romance book, you could create a graphic of a scene where your heroine meets your hero for the first time. Add in a vivid description that immerses your reader in the moment, you can hook them in, keep them invested in your story, and compel them to want to find out more.

Consideration Stage

At the consideration stage, your readers are aware of your brand and are interested in your content.

Your goal now is to convince them that your book has the potential to meet their needs and wants. This stage is where you present your brand’s unique value proposition and the benefits that your books offer.

For example, you can create blog posts that showcase your expertise in your chosen romance genre or discuss why your particular writing style is effective and different.

Additionally, you can create more substantial content pieces such as ebooks, content extras, podcasts, downloadable content that provide more in-depth info about a topic that you know your readers are looking for and what to learn more about.

This is where you can delve deeper into your story, “showing” readers your characters and the conflicts they have, thus engaging your reader even before they read your book.

To accomplish this, you can create content that reveals important info about your hero’s personality and motivations. Do this by creating a scene where this hero has an internal monologue about their fears or desires, giving readers insight into this character and deepening their emotional investment in your story!!

Decision Stage

Finally, the decision stage is where you have to convince your readers to take a specific action.

This action may include buying your book, signing up to your email list, or booking your services (such as speaking engagements or consulting).

It’s essential to make it clear at this stage what our readers will get by taking the action you want them to take.

At this stage, your content should focus on addressing the objections readers may have and offer another solution. For instance, you could create a fun graphic highlighting the positive reader reviews your readers have submitted.

The content at this stage should revolve conflicted thoughts about buying or reading your book while answering any questions they might have while leaving them wanting more.

One way to accomplish this is to create a downloadable PDF of an epilogue, that has a satisfying ending, or a bonus chapter, that wraps up a conflict or mystery while also teasing what’s to come.

For example, offer an ungated PDF of a chapter of your story that ends in a cliffhanger. The will leave your readers wondering how your hero will get out of their difficult situation, and encourage them to buy your book to find out what happened!


By using the Awareness – Consideration – Decision (ACD) framework in your romance writing, you can craft content that hooks readers in, keeps them invested, and leaves them wanting more. By strategically creating content that addresses each stage of the framework, you can engage your readers from start to finish, creating a memorable, impactful story that will stick with them long after they’ve finished reading.

So go forth and write with purpose, knowing that every scene, every character, and every conflict is a tool that can help you create a truly captivating campaign to build your own content library!

What’s Next…

If you’re ready to take your website to the next level, check out how you can Build Your Own Content Library and pick a content template that fits your readers.

Check out the Ultimate Guide to Building your Content to get tips on how to do-it-yourself!