Content Opt-Ins and Website Extras: What You Need To Know

Content opt-ins and website extras are two powerful tools that you can use to maximize the effectiveness of your content marketing strategy.

But what is the difference between them? And why do you need both? Let’s break it down.

Share your new idea as a website extra!

What are Website Extras?

Website extras are something else entirely. They are pieces of content or features that you offer on your website or blog to enhance the user experience and keep readers engaged.

This could include things like inspiration pics, videos, polls, quizzes, surveys or any other type of interactive content that adds value to your website’s user experience.

These types of extras can help keep visitors on your site longer and ensure they come back again in the future.

Go here to make your author website stand out with website extras.

What is a Content Opt-In?

Content opt-ins are simply extra pieces of content that readers can access by signing up for your email list. Examples include free eBooks, PDFs, exclusive content, worksheets, video tutorials, audio downloads and more.

These opt-ins provide value to readers in exchange for their email address—which provides you with a valuable asset for building relationships with potential customers. It’s a win/win scenario!

Go here to learn what are content opt-ins and how to use them in your content marketing.

You need both content marketing and book marketing to build a robust and reusable marketing plan.

Why You Need Both in Your Content Marketing Strategy

Both content opt-ins and website extras have distinct advantages when used together as part of an overall content marketing strategy.

Content opt-ins allow you to build relationships with potential customers while website extras help keep current customers engaged on your site—both of which are critical elements in developing a successful online presence as a romance author!

In addition, both types of content can be used together to create a powerful combination that will make it easier for you to reach your goals faster than ever before!

Content opt-ins and website extras are two powerful tools that romance authors can use as part of an effective content marketing strategy. By offering valuable extra pieces of content through both types of resources, authors can build relationships with potential customers while also keeping current customers engaged on their websites – all leading to increased visibility and success online!

So if you’re looking for ways to take your romance writing business to the next level – consider incorporating both opt-ins and website extras into your marketing plan today!

Click here to see how you can give your readers 30 different content ideas you can put into action.
Click here to see what the essential pages you need for your author website and get a free checklist too!