How to Engage your Readers with your Intriguing Character Extras

As a romance author, you’ve created unique characters that’ve captivated your readers from start to finish.

However, what do yhou do if your readers want to see more of your characters outside of your story?

That’s where character extras come in.

Character extras are additional pieces of content that go beyond your story and give your readers a chance to engage more deeply with your characters. And two populr types of character extras are your character interviews and your character adventures.

Let’s explore how extras can help you to build a stronger connection with your readers and offer insights into two types of extras: character interviews and adventures.

By the end of this, you’ll have a better understanding of how to use extras to engage your readers and keep them coming back for more.

The Power of Extras

Your job, as an author, is to not only create a compelling story, but also to keep readers engaged long after they’ve finished reading your story.

Extras can help with this by providing readers with additional content that allows them to stay connectd to your characters. They also give readers a chance to dive deeper into your story world and its many unique qualities.

Extras are also fantastic for generating a buzz around your book. By sharing snippets of character interviews or their adventures on social media, you can pique readers’ attention, build anticipation, and convince them to follow you for more.

Extras can also be used as marketing materials to promote your book for months before and after its release.

Character Interviews

One popular type of extra is character interviews. Character interviews are a fun and creative way to give readers a glimpse into your character’s personalities and their behaviors outside of your story.

During a character interview, you could ask your characters questions like “What’s your favorite thing about yourself?”, or “What motivates you to keep going when things get tough?”.

By doing so, your readers get to know your character better and can gain a deeper understanding of their thoughts and feelings throughout your story.

Character Adventures

Another type of extra is your character’s adventures. In a character adventure, your character could go on a journey or experience something new that’s not included in your original story. This could be any thing from a camping trip to an international shopping spree.

By showing your characters in different situations and settings, you’ll give readers a chance to connect with them on a more personal level. Plus, as a writer, it’s an exciting way to explore new aspects of your characters and their personalities even if they never make it into the final cut of your manuscript.

Make Your Characters Stand Out

The secret behind creating amazing characters that readers love is giving them depth, multi-dimensional characters that evoke an emotional response like falling in love with your characters. And, as we mentioned before, this’ll not only keep readers engaged but it can also help to market your book.


Adding your characters’ extras to your content marketing is the perfect way to keep your readers excited and engaged, even after they’ve read the final page. Whether you choose to use your character interviews or adventures, or both, it’s important to explore all the options that are available to you.

You’ll be amazed by how much more you can do with your characters once you start exploring these new ideas.

So, whether you’re an experienced writer or just getting started, try adding a few extras to your work and see where it takes you. With a little creativity and a lot of heart, you can keep readers coming back for more and build a long-lasting audience that’ll support and love your books for years to come.

What’s Next…

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Still wondering about the benefits of offering quality content? Take a look at this article.

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Check out the Ultimate Guide to Building your Content to get tips on how to do-it-yourself!