Create Content Extras that Outranks Your Competitors

As a romance author, you know that creating content is key to successfully marketing your books—but it can be hard to stand out in a crowded field of authors. The secret to standing out lies in creating content extras that are better than those of your competitors, thereby increasing your chances of standing out in the sea of other romance authors.

Keep reading to find out how.

Content Extras Overview

Content extras are exactly what they sound like—extra content snippets like trailers, story outlines, character profiles, or cover reveals that give readers more information about your book before they buy it.

These extras should be tailored to each of your books and should include additional, interesting information about the characters or plot.

Creating Unique Content Extras

The key to creating unique content extras is to think outside the box. Instead of just writing about your book, why not create an interactive quiz or game? You could also create a series of polls or surveys for readers to fill out and share with their friends.

This will help you get more eyes on your book, which increases the chances of people actually buying it!

You can also consider creating some kind of helpful resource related to your book’s theme. For example, if you write historical romances set in Victorian England, why not create a timeline with important dates and events from that era?

Or if you write contemporary romances with strong female protagonists, why not create a list of inspiring women throughout history? This type of extra content shows potential readers that you are invested in providing them with quality information—which can help them make their decision on whether or not they should buy your book.

Add Content Your Competitors Ignored

Creating content that your competitors have overlooked can be an effective way to rise above them in rankings. By forming a clear plan of the topics and formats you want to target, you can create unique content that stands out from what others have produced.

This could be anything from exploring a different angle on a topic, applying it in a new context, or even creating innovative visuals of existing content. It’s important to remember that this strategy is about more than simply beating out your competitors; you should also focus on providing value to your readers with pertinent information and resources.

By doing so, you can guarantee that the effort put in will be rewarded by higher ranking and better visibility for your content!

Make Sure to Properly Format and Optimize Your Content

Another way to outrank your competitors online that most don’t realize, is to properly format and optimize the content you’ve added to your author website can be a great way for you to pull ahead.

  • By properly formatting your page titles and headings, your page will become more visible in searches, as well as easier for readers to follow along.
  • Using keywords and phrases strategically helps search engine crawlers understand what the page is about. Images should also be optimized for size to ensure pages load quickly and users don’t become disengaged.
  • Implementing SEO best practices into the content itself can further help you reach the top of search engine rankings by making it more relevant from a user perspective.
  • Make sure you research keywords to maximize their effectiveness, build links from other websites, update existing content often and keep posts engaging so that readers come back again and again.

Doing this will ensure that you stand out above the competition.


Content extras are great tools for helping you stand out as a romance author. By thinking outside the box and creating unique extras related to your book’s theme or characters, you can increase visibility for your work and attract new readers who may never have considered buying one of your books before seeing these extras online!

With careful planning and creative thinking, there’s no limit as to what kind of content-extras you can come up with—so get started today!

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