What is Cornerstone Content and Why You Should Use It

As a romance author, you know the importance of creating content for your readers. But have you heard of cornerstone content? It’s the type of content that sets the foundation for your website and is essential to any successful author website.

Let’s explore what it is and why authors should add it to their websites.

Specific pages need to be labeled as cornerstone content. Take a look at which ones that might be!

How to Make Your Author Website Stand Out with Cornerstone Content Pages

As a romance author, you know the importance of having an online presence. You understand the power of social media and how it can help promote your books.

But have you considered creating cornerstone content pages for your website? Cornerstone content pages are key pages on your website that readers will visit when looking for information about you and your books.

Here’s what you need to know about cornerstone content pages and how to make them stand out from the crowd.

What are Cornerstone Content Pages?

Cornerstone content pages are essential parts of your author website. They act as a hub, providing visitors with all the necessary information they need to learn more about you and your work. These pages should include an “about” page, a press page, and a list of your published works (books, articles, etc). You can also include an FAQ page if there’s something that readers often ask you about or frequently misunderstand.

It’s important to note that these cornerstone content pages should be well-organized in order to make navigation easy for visitors. This means using clear headings and subheadings so readers can quickly find what they’re looking for without having to search through long blocks of text.

It also helps if these pages are visually appealing—a few photos here and there can really help draw attention!

How Cornerstone Content Makes Your Website Stand Out with SEO

Having cornerstone content pages on your website can make a significant difference when it comes to standing out with SEO. These cornerstone content pages are especially invaluable when it comes to top-level topics which could potentially attract a large number of visitors and help build your presence as an authoritative voice in your niche.

Additionally, cornerstone content pages serve as the foundation of keyword targeting within SEO; when implemented correctly, cornerstone content has the power to really catapult your search engine rankings!

Therefore, by having cornerstone content pages, you not only help improve visibility for keywords associated with these cornerstone pages, but also help boost rankings for other minor related and unrelated keywords over time.

How to Make Your Cornerstone Content Pages Stand Out

Once you’ve set up your cornerstone content pages, it’s time to make them stand out from other authors’ websites.

One way is by including additional details such as awards or recognitions you may have received for your work.

You can also add interesting facts about yourself that not many people know; this will give people something unique and memorable to associate with you as an author!

Finally, don’t forget to link back to other social media sites where readers might be able find more information on upcoming works or special promotions offered exclusively on those platforms.

Having strong cornerstone content pages is essential for any author website hoping to attract more readers and build their platform online.

By making sure these key areas of the website are comprehensive yet well organized, visitors will be able find all the information they need quickly and easily — which is great news for both authors and readers alike!

With just a few tweaks here and there, any author can create attractive cornerstone content pages that will make their site stand out from the crowd!

Dive Deep in Understanding Cornerstone Content

While I’ve given you a simple explanation, you might need to dig deeper to understand what it means in the marketing industry. Here are some articles, from leading experts about what it is and how to use it.

Yoast.com has a great article: What is cornerstone content?

Copyblogger goes real deep in how Google loves it: How to Create Cornerstone Content That Google Loves.

Even Moz.com gives vital info to help understand the importance: How to Create Cornerstone Content that Google and Your Audience Will Love.

Take a look at Wordstream’s guide: The 7-Step Guide to Creating Amazing Cornerstone Content