You’ve just published your latest romance novel, and it’s really good! Now you need to share it with the world!
Here are five ways you can share your new novel by sharing fun and functional content ideas related to your story. Because to sell of your book, you need to share more OF your book!
Repurpose Each Content Idea for Maximum Reach
Each of the ideas listed, on the Build Your Own Content, can be repurposed into content you can share on your website extras, blog articles, content opt-ins (also called reader upgrades), email newsletters, and social media posts.
By repurposing your content it can help you to maximize the impact of your content by widening its reach and tapping into different audiences with different preferences.
For example, repurposing your blog article into an infographic can be more attractive to visually driven readers, while turning it into a podcast may resonate more with audio learner.
Furthermore, repurposing your content helps to extend the lifespan of your original work and makes it easier to repost across multiple social media channels.
So after you’ve created your new content, how do you share it? You can share it on your website as an extra, in your Author Blog as an article, as a content opt-in to excite your readers, in your email as exclusive content only, and in your social media campaigns to engage your readers.
Let’s take a look at each.

Website Extras
As an author, having a website is invaluable for connecting with your fans and potential readers.
But why stop there? To really engage with your audience, you should look into adding content ideas or “extras” to your author website.
These could include interactive content like videos, podcasts, downloadable PDFs or graphics. These extras will boost your content game and help keep your readers engaged on your website. After all, content variety is key when it comes to keeping readers interested and coming back for more!

Blog Articles
Creating blog articles is a great way to invest in the success of your author website. Not only do blog articles draw more readers and followers, they also help keep them engaged with new material.
Besides providing content that your audience craves, blog articles give you more opportunities to create backlinks, promote affiliate partnerships and boost your overall online presence.
By adding blog posts to your author website, you can successfully increase awareness about you, your works and the topics related to them. From giving helpful advice to self-promotion, blog content offers one of the most effective platform for authors.

Content Opt-Ins (Reader Upgrade)
If you’re an author looking to create a successful website, content opt-ins can be one of the most powerful tools in your arsenal.
With content opt-ins, you can offer content upgrades that reward readers for subscribing to your content. This can provide a way to bolster your subscription numbers, while also giving loyal readers unique content or additional rewards.
Content opt-ins are one of the best ways to increase reader engagement and it’s relatively simple to do on any author website. Make sure to include content opt-ins if you’re launching a website and want to ensure that it has plenty of success!

An email newsletter is one of the best ways to make sure your readers are regularly up-to- date with all things your authoring journey.
When you add email newsletters to your author website, it becomes a reliable way for visitors to stay in touch and even subscribe for more content from you. You can use email newsletters to highlight new release announcements, when upcoming book signings are scheduled or to promote exclusive sales of your work. This way, email newsletters give busy readers an easy opportunity to keep tabs on you and follow the progress of your work.
When sharing content via email, make sure that it’s relevant and interesting enough that readers will actually open it instead of just deleting it without looking at it first! You can also use this method to offer exclusive content such as sneak peeks or early access to copies of upcoming books as well as opportunities for conversations with fans directly through email.
Plus, adding email newsletters gives readers the option to connect directly with you as an author outside of social media – creating a much more personal relationship with them.

Social Media Posts
Social media posts are another fantastic way of sharing content ideas and attracting even more readers to your website!
Make sure you post frequently so that people know when new material is available but don’t overdo it—you don’t want them feeling overwhelmed by too many notifications from you either!
Additionally, try using different types of posts such as video snippets or polls so that you can engage with followers more effectively and get better feedback on what kind of material they want from you in the future.
Whether you’re just starting out in the world of writing romance novels or have been publishing works for years now, there are always new ways to share your content ideas with others—and these five methods above can help ensure that your work reaches its full potential!
From website extras where you build trust and credibility with readers, blog posts where you get to dive deep into your own thoughts and ideas, content opt-ins which result in more sign ups, emails sent out exclusively containing information not available anywhere else—and social media posts which attract even more people back onto your website—these methods all offer different advantages when used correctly!
So why not give one (or all!) of them a try today?

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If you’re ready to take your website to the next level, check out how you can Build Your Own Content Library and pick a content template that fits your readers.
Check out the Ultimate Guide to Building your Content to get tips on how to do-it-yourself!