Writing a romance novel is a Herculean task, but that’s only half the battle. With millions of romance books available online, it’s hard to get your book discovered by your readers.
The first step in promoting your book is to make sure it’s visible on Google when readers search for their next great read. If you’re an author who’s struggling to boost your book’s visibility, don’t worry.
In this blog post, let’s dive into seven fool-proof ways to help your book stand out from the crowd and increase its chance of being found on Google.
Create an Individual Book Page for Each Book
One of the easiest ways to boost your books’ visibility is to create an individual book page for each book on your author website. These pages not only provide readers with a quick overview of your book, but they also give Google’s algorithms something to pick up on.
When creating your book page, make sure to include essential information such as the book’s cover, blurb, book reviews, and even book details.
Dive deeper: The Benefits of Creating an Individual Book Page for Each Romance Book
Optimize Each Book Page with the Right Keywords
Now that you have your book pages set up, the next step is to optimize your pages with the right keywords. Keywords are the words or phrases your readers will type into Google search bar when looking for a particular book.
By including these keywords in the right places (such as your title, subtitle, and description), you can increase the chances of your book appearing at the top of Google search results (SERP).
Dive deep: Enhancing Your Romance Book’s Reach: Optimizing Your Book Page with the Right Keywords
Add Additional Content Extras for Each Book
Another way to boost your books’ visibility is to provide additional content about each book in your book series. This can include character profiles, character interviews, story outlines, or inspiration pics.
You could also dive into your writing process and what it took to bring this book to fruition!!
By using additional keywords you can make your book page stand out and easy to find for both readers and Google’s algorithms.
Deeper dive: Use Website Extras to Help Your Website Stand Out!
Write Blog Articles About Each Book
Blogging is a powerful tool for promoting your books. By writing blog articles about each story, how it came to be and elements of your book (characters, world, storyline) you can attract a wider audience to your website.
These blog articles can include anything from author interviews to fan fiction, but make sure to focus on topics your readers will find interesting and engaging.
Dive deeper: Authors, It’s Time to Get On Board with Blogging
Offer Exclusive Content
Taking the time and effort of offering exclusive content (on both book pages and corresponding blog articles) can help to attract readers and keep them coming back for more.
This can include anything from your deleted scenes to the bonus chapters that never made it into your book, but make sure to promote this content on social media and other platforms to increase its visibility.
Post Consistently on Social Media
Up your game on your chosen social media. Studies show that posting consistently on social media can actually help your book be found on Google search results. This is particularly true when it comes to romance books, as this particular genre is popular amongst social media followers.
So, if you’re looking to increase your visibility and reach more potential readers, consider making social media a top priority in your content marketing strategy.
By staying active, engaging, and relevant on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Tiktok, and Instagram, you’ll not only increase your chances of being found in search engines but also build a community of loyal fans who’re eager to buy your books.
Dive deep: Learn how important it is to staying active and posting consistently on social media.
Submit Your Author Website to Google
As an aspiring romance author, you want your book to be the one that’s found when readers go searching. One powerful tool often overlooked is Google Console.
By submitting your author website to Google Console, you’re essentially telling Google that your site exists and requesting it to be found. This means that when your readers searches for keywords related to your book, like ‘cowboy romance book’, Google will be able to recognize your website and showcase it in relevant search results.
Not only does this increase your website’s visibility, but it also improves the chances of potential readers finding YOUR BOOK! So, if you want to boost your book’s discoverability, submitting your website to Google Console is definitely smart step to take.
Dive deep: Learn to submit your website to Google search, why it’s important and how it helps you!

Dive Even Deeper!
Sometimes you need someone else to explain things to you, someone in the marketing industry who knows their stuff!
Here are three articles to help you gain more visibility for your book:
Google Search Central: Get your website on Google
Reedsy.com: How to Promote Your Book: 9 Budget-Friendly Steps to Promote Your Book
Self-PublishingSchool.com: Low Book Sales: 11 Methods to Give Your Book a Boost & Sell More

Have a question that’s related to boosting the visibility of your book? Take a look at these questions and answers!
What is the Best Way to Search for Romance Books?
Do you find it hard to search for that perfect romance book? There are countless options, from historical romance to contemporary, from slow-burn to love at first sight. So, what’s the best way to find the right romance story to read?
Rather than relying solely on traditional searches like Amazon and Goodreads, try diving deep into romance book blogs, scouring social media, or using the plethora Facebook groups available. These platforms offer a wealth of recommendations from fellow romance readers, as well as the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals.
You might even discover a new favorite author or genre that you hadn’t considered before. So, the next time you’re on the hunt for that perfect love story, brand out and explore. You never know what hidden gems you might find.
Where Do Readers Find Books?
Finding books has never been easier! With the advent of the internet, readers now have access to an unprecedented number of resources. One of the most reliable sources for finding books is through a Google search. Simply type in your desired title or subject and you’ll be met with thousands of results from both online and physical bookstores across the globe.
In addition to Google search, websites like Amazon and Goodreads provide numerous options for locating any type of book imaginable. On Amazon, simply type in your desired title into their search bar and voila – you’ll be presented with every offering they have based on that particular topic. It can even suggest relevant titles that might fit what you’re looking for! Similarly, Goodreads offers its own search function where readers can look up authors, genres, themes etc., as well as connect with fellow book lovers who may have similar interests or even offer reviews on certain titles they’ve read themselves.
But if searching online isn’t quite your thing then there’s always the traditional route: local bookstores! Whether it’s an independent shop or big chain outlet like Barnes & Noble – most cities will have at least one store dedicated to selling books; some shops will even offer a selection of rare editions not typically found anywhere else! Plus, what better way to support small businesses than visiting these establishments directly?
The bottom line is this: no matter how obscure a particular title may be – chances are there’s at least one place out there where readers will find what they’re looking for provided they know where to look (which is often times just a Google away!).
How Does a Book Get Discovered?
Have you ever wondered how a romance book gets discovered by your readers? I’m sure many authors and publishers are asking themselves today. After all, the publishing industry is highly competitive, and standing out from the crowd can feel like an uphill battle.
The good news is that there are a few tried-and-true methods for helping your books get noticed. Many will tell you that you need to be active on social media and tell all your friends and family about your book, but have you thought about updating your website so your readers discover your book when they search in Google.
So, then what can you do to give your book at a better chance at being found when your readers do a Google search?

What’s Next…
Want a deeper look into how to create content that’s entertaining, educational, engaging, inspiring, and persuasive.
If you’re ready to take your website to the next level, check out how you can Build Your Own Content Library and pick a content template that fits your readers.
Check out the Ultimate Guide to Building your Content to get tips on how to do-it-yourself!