Create Your Must-Have Content to Build Your Author Business

Many wonder if you’re running a business when you’ve become an author. You can even find this question in Google: Is Being an Author a Business?


Being an author is one the most entrepreneurial ventures you can pursue. In fact, some would argue that an author is really a business owner – running a solo-enterprise instead of working for someone else or leading a team.

When you’ve declared “I am a business owner”, it changes the way you look at yourself and how other people perceive you. It encourages other to take your work seriously and view it as more than just hobby writing. Additionally, when people recognize it as your own personal business they’re more likely to read it with more respect, invest in it financially, and provide invaluable resources or contacts to help move your venture forward.

Being an author is so much more than just writing – there’s content marketing, book marketing, sales strategies, crowdfunding campaigns, public relations initiatives … all the same kind of things any other type of entrepreneur does to make their small businesses thrive in today’s online market.

So really – if you want to be successful at publishing or selling products related to your book (online and offline merchandise), then becoming an entrepreneur must be part of the plan.

But even beyond running your writing career as if it were business takes organization (budgeting, financing, licensing, managing, etc.) many authors get overwhelmed by all the duties involved. By creating detailed plans and setting realistic goals while leveraging available online resources, makes being an effective self-starter easier over time – gaining recognition amongst peers becomes more attainable too!

Create the Content You’ll Need While Setting Up Your Author Business!

    Discover the Must-Have Content Pieces to Build Your Author Business

    Writing a book is just the beginning of your journey as an author. If you’ve already made this milestone, congrats! However, now it’s time to focus on promoting your work and building your brand – one that your readers will recognize and what to follow.

    To do this, you’ll need to create the content pieces that’ll showcase your brand and maintain your relationship with your readers. Live dive deep into the essential content pieces that you should consider for your author business.

    1. Background Images

    The first content pieces to create would be your background images. These images should match your branding and style. This includes your website, social media platforms, and other online areas. Your background images do not need to be the same across all platforms – the can vary slightly; however, they should reflect your brand.

    It’s important to choose images that complement and enhance your brand’s message.

    2. Book Page Content

    Your book page content includes your book blurbs, also known as your book descriptions. While marketing standards tell you to have a standard book blurb created for your book, as a reader, take a chance and create several versions of your blurb to level up your content!!

    These blurbs should be concise and powerful, hooking readers in to continue readers. This content piece is an essential tool in converting readers into customers.

    3. All Your Author Notes

    In addition to your book blurb, you could take the chance and add fun extras to your author website. These would come in the form of your author notes.

    These notes would have the fun story elements and book details that can take your page to a higher level.

    This is the beginning of creating the content you’ll need for your website and other online content.

    Your Website Content Starts with the Details in your Books!

    4. About Page Content

    Your About Page is a page that’s dedicated just to you. You can use it to show off what you’ve learned, what you’ve done and achievements you’ve learned along the way. There are three pieces of content needed for your About Page: your author bio, professional headshot, and any achievements you’ve earned.

    Author Biography

    Your author biography is the perfect place to connect with your readers. While you’ll only need one bio added to your bio page, you’ll need to create three different versions of yours.

    A short bio is approx 25-30 words in length. It’s literally 1-2 sentences worth. This is the bio you’ll use to catch someone’s attention in an elevator when you only have 5 seconds of their time, hence being called an elevator pitch.

    A 100-word bio is to be used for promotional purposes. This is the one you’d give to an editor or with your media kit.

    And because you have the space on your website, you can have a longer bio (approx 300 words) added to your About Page. This is where you can into more much in-depth about what you and what you’ve done.

    Professional Headshot

    Along with your bio, you’ll need a professional headshot, a high-def resolution graphic added to this page. Ideally, having a smaller and larger graphic is needed: one for your bio page, one for your media kit.


    Your About Page is also a place you can “sell” … well YOU!

    Adding any of the achievements you’ve earned along the way is a way to show that you know what you’re talking about and that you’ve been there done that!!

    List your awards, accolades, endorsements, anything you’ve participated in over the years in way that would be appealing and interesting. Easy tip: adding graphics? make sure to add similar in size pictures, high definition, and smaller for easy loading.

    5. Book Cover Images

    Having high-quality, high definition cover images for all of your book covers is a no brainer. Add a smaller sized image to your book page and a larger image of the same in your media kit will allow you to have

    Remember your book cover should scream “notice me” attracting readers to take a look at your book, convince them to open it and stand out from others in the same genre.

    6. Events Page

    When you’re hosting an event, whether in person or online, it’s essential to have an events page displaying your upcoming occurrences. Keep this page up-to-date with the critical info (time, place, how to attend) easily found on this page.

    You’ll want your readers (and any others) to easily know and understand what’s happening so they’re informed. The chances of them attending your events becomes more. Gather those event dates and the links to their website so you’ll be able to promote this event as well.

    7. Media Page

    Your media page is an excellent place to place all your promotional items, such as your media kit. This media kit should include your book information, author info, press releases, and essential contact info.

    By making your promotional material readily available, you’ll be able to get the word out about your upcoming events and new books through various platforms – creating more engagement and followers.

    Take a look at this media kit that you can put together to be shared on your website. This is a file that’ll be added to your website for your prospective authors, publishers and editors to download and use. This is so they can use to “see” who you are and what you do!

    Now let’s dive into how to set things up.

    How to Set Up Your Author Business?

    Now that you know the must have content pieces you’ll need for your business, take a look at how the experts say to set things up:

    Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association (

    Indie Pub 101: Setting Up Your Author Business

    This article dives into the legal side of things when it comes to setting up your business. Definitely something worth reading as it’s avenues of thinking that must be considered.

    The Creative Penn

    Business for Authors. How to Be an Author Entrepreneur

    Joanna Penn is an author who’s been there done that!! Take a look at the book she’s written and published. From the table of content for this book, you’ll definitely get a complete look at what you’ll need to set up your own author business.

    You could even support this particular author by buying her book from her link!\

    ProWriting Aid

    Put On Your Author Hat: First Steps for Writers Becoming a Business

    Zara goes into detail of the steps you’ll need to do and content you’ll need to create in order to have an online presence and become an authrepreneur.

    This is the article I’ll use to identify the content you’ll need to create for your author business. Look below for that list.

    Non-fiction Author Association

    How to Set Up an Author Business

    This also goes into the legal details needed to run a business properly. Take a minute to read this one too!

    Self-publishing Advice

    The Ultimate Guide to Leveling Up Your Author Business

    This is a great articles that dives into not only the content you’ll need for your online business but also tips and ideas to mentally be able to become the author of your own story.

    Now Novel

    How to Create a Business Plan for Writers

    Looking for a thorough plan to create your author business? Check out this in-depth article from Now Novel!

    Your Writer Platform

    Your Author Business Plan: A Framework for the Creative Entrepreneur

    This is an in-depth article that dives deep into the framework you’ll need to create. It even has a marvelous free workbook for you, if you sign up to their newsletter.


    When building your author business, it’s essential to have the right content in the right places. These must-have content pieces have proven time and time again to be effective in laying the foundation for your business and creating a healthy relationship between you and your readers.

    These pieces will highlight your brand, making it easer for readers to identify your work and grow your audience. So start gathering these content pieces and take your author business to the next level.

    What’s Next…

    Build your online presence with the essential content elements that you’ll need for your author platform.

    Enhance your romance book’s reach by optimizing your book page using the right keywords.

    Don’t forget to go back to your other online author pages (Goodreads, Amazon, Bookbub, Facebook) and update and optimize them.