Move Your Readers Beyond Your Story with Reader Magnets that Solve their Problems

As a dedicated reader, there’s nothing more exhilarating than getting lost in a great book. But what happens when you reach that last page? Many readers crave more and want to dive deeper into the stories, characters, and worlds they love.

However, many readers encounter obstacles that prevent them from actually loving your book! And from moving beyond your story like your online content should take them.

I’ve collected 10 issued or problems your readers will encounter with your book.

10 Problems Your Readers Might Have:

Here are ten common problems readers face and how specific reader magnets can solve them.

1. Your Reader Doesn’t Understand Aspects of Your Story

Problem: Sometimes, readers finish a book with lingering questions or confusion about plot points, characters, or themes.

Solutions: Offer a Specific Type of Reader Magnet:

  • FAQ Guide: Create a downloadable FAQ guide that answers common questions about your book. This guide can provide clarity and enhance the reader’s understanding of your story.
  • Pronunciation Guide: Create a printable PDF of the difficult to pronounce words from your story. This type of guide can help your readers to properly say your characters’ names and places.
  • StoryBook Guide: While writing a fantastical story is your jam, explaining it to your readers just might be the only way to keep them engaged. Oh, and this one can encompass the first two as well.

2. Your Reader Wants to Compare Your Book to Real Life

Problem: Readers often enjoy drawing parallels between the fictional world and real life, but they might lack the information to do so effectively.

Solution: Offer a Specific Type of Reader Magnet:

  • Inspirational Pics: Offer a behind-the-scenes ebook that explores the inspirations behind your character. This type of reader magnet lets readers know how or what inspired their BBF helping them to deepen their connection with that character or characters.
  • Inspirational Pics: Offer the pics that show where your story came from. This reader magnet can discuss real-life events, places, or people that influenced your writing, helping readers make those connections and deepen their appreciation for your work.

3. Your Reader Wants to “See” Your Story.

Problem: Visualizing the story’s world and characters can be challenging, leaving readers wanting more.

Solutions: Offer a Specific Type of Reader Magnet:

  • Character Profile: Provide a downloadable visual companion filled with artwork, maps, and character sketches. This helps readers immerse themselves more fully in your story by understanding this character better.
  • Character Adventures: Offer a printable PDF filled with the backstory and motivations for your character. This helps readers understand what makes your characters tick!

4. Some Readers Will Want to Know More Than Others

Problem: A section of your readers will want to knows as “experts” among their reader friends and want to access exclusive information.

Solution: Offer a Specific Type of Reader Magnet:

  • Exclusive Newsletter: Create a segment of your newsletter that offers insider information, sneak peeks, and special content only available to subscribers. This reader magnet makes readers feel special and more connected to your work.
  • Exclusive Community Group: Create an exclusive reader group just for those that want to talk about your books. When you offer this link as your “upgrade,” it’ll make readers feel special and part of the club!

5. Your Reader Wants to Be Immersed in Your Story Longer

Problem: Leaving a beloved book world can be difficult for those readers who want to linger longer.

Solution: Offer a Specific Type of Reader Magnet:

  • Bonus Content Collection: Offer a collection of bonus content, including short stories, novellas, or bonus chapters set in the same universe. These additional pieces can keep readers engaged and provide new adventures for them to enjoy while waiting for your next full-length book.
  • Extra Content: Offer extras, like a downloadable calendar or a journal, can help readers remember your story every single day.

6. Your Reader Wants to Interact with Your Characters

Problem: Readers often develop a strong connection to main characters and want to interact with them beyond the pages of your book.

Solution: Offer a Specific Type of Reader Magnet:

  • Character Diaries: Create character-driven content such as downloadable diaries or letters from the perspective of your characters. This can give readers a sense of ongoing engagement with their favorite characters.
  • Character Interviews: Create a list of questions and interview your character. This type of thing can let your readers get involved, especially if they come up with the questions.

7. Your Reader Wants to Interact with You!

Problem: Many readers are eager to connect with the authors behind their favorite books but find it difficult.

Solution: Offer a Specific Type of Reader Magnet:

  • Virtual Book Club Invitation: Invite readers to join a virtual book club where you regularly engage with them through Q&A sessions, webinars, or live streams. This reader magnet can create a more personal connection.
  • Exclusive Community Group: Create an exclusive reader group just for those willing to offer up their emails. This can make readers feel like they’re part of the “in” crowd.

8. Your Reader Wants to Be a Part of the Process

Problem: Some readers are fascinated by the creative process and want to be involved in the creation of your stories and characters.

Solution: Offer a Specific Type of Reader Magnet:

  • Behind-the-Scenes Access: Offer a behind-the-scenes access pass that includes drafts, brainstorming sessions, and character development notes. This can invite readers to contribute ideas or vote on certain aspects of your work through polls and surveys.

9. Some Readers will Hate Your Online Marketing

Problem: Readers may find traditional marketing tactics annoying, intrusive, or uninteresting.

Solution: Offer a Specific Type of Reader Magnet:

Value-Driven Content Pack: Shift your marketing strategy to be more value-driven and engaging by offering a content pack filled with blog posts, videos, and infographics that add value rather than just promoting your book. This reader magnet can make your marketing efforts more appealing.

10. Some Readers will Think Your Book Doesn’t Live Up to Expectations

Problem: Sometimes, a book doesn’t meet a reader’s expectations, leading to disappointment.

Solution: Offer a Specific Type of Reader Magnet:

Honest Review and Feedback Form: Manage expectations by being transparent about what your book offers and encouraging honest reviews and feedback. Create a downloadable feedback form that allows readers to share their thoughts and use this feedback to improve your future work.


Understanding and addressing these common reader problems with specific reader magnets can transform their experience from merely reading your book to becoming deeply invested in your story and your work as an author.

By creating additional content, engaging with your readers, and providing value beyond the book itself, you can build a loyal and enthusiastic reader base. So, take the time to move beyond the book and connect with your readers in meaningful ways.

What’s Next…

Want a deeper look into how to create content that’s entertaining, educational, engaging, inspiring, and persuasive.

Still wondering about the benefits of offering quality content? Take a look at this article.

Make sure to add the essential content elements to your author platforms!

Learn to master your reader magnets in the Ultimate Guide to Mastering Your Reader Magnets!