If you’re an author, it’s imperative that you have a website. It serves as your virtual home where readers can find information about you, your writing, and connect with you on a personal level.
But having a website is not enough, you need people to actually find it. And that’s where Google comes in.
Google is the number one search engine used by people worldwide, and it’s how readers are going to find you. By submitting your author website to Google search, you’re ensuring that people can actually find you and your work. Your website will show up in search results and readers can connect with you.
Don’t miss out on the opportunity to reach your audience due to the lack of visibility. Take the first step and submit your author website to Google search today!
why it’s important for authors to submit their websites and how it helps them
Why It’s Important to Submit Your Website and How It Helps You!
Your website is one of the most essential tools in your arsenal. It’s the perfect place for your to showcase the books that you want your readers to find. Submitting your author website can help boost your online presence and increase your visibility – and the visibility of your books.
By making sure your website is listed in all the relevant directories and search engines, you’re making it easier for readers and potential readers to find you and your books!!
Plus, having a well-maintained website can improve your credibility as an author and make it easer for your to connect with other industry professionals.
So don’t let your website go unnoticed – submit it today and take your author career to the next level!
To help you do this the right way, let’s see what Google has to say!

Dive Deeper by Listening to the Experts
There are many experts out there that have taught their audiences how to submit their websites to Google. Reading the articles they’ve written can help you to have a deeper understanding into what Google is asking of all of us!!
The developers at Google are awesome and have written several articles to help us website owners submit our websites.
Ask Google to recrawl your URLs
While there’s only one page of instructions, there’s a lot packed into submitting your site to be recrawled by Google.
Publish & share your site
This has steps to previewing and publishing your site as well as checking your sharing options. Useful information for sure.
Add a website property to Search Console
Looking to add your website property of Search Console, take a look at this article.
How do I submit a URL to Google?
Not only does this article give you steps to submitting your URL to your Google Search Console account, it also helps you to create and submit an XML sitemap of your website to Google.
How to Submit Your Website to Google (And Why It Matters)
Hubspot is a fav of mine. This article explains how Google finds your content and why it’s so important. Then it dives into how to submit your sitemap to Google. Hubspot is definitely someone to listen to!
How to Submit Your Website to Google
This is an in-depth article that can teach you how to submit your website and the importance of indexing it!
This is an article to check out!!
How to Submit Your Website to Search Engines (with Examples)
This article dives a little deeper into each of the different search engines and not just Google, even though Google is the number one search engine out there.
This could help especially help if your readers are all over the place!!
There are also tips to on how to fix indexing issues you might run into! Definitely worth checking out.
How to get your website on Google in 8 simple steps
This is an interesting articles that dives into more than just submitting your website to Google. It dives into keywords, meta data, optimizing, along with internal and external linking!
When all’s said and done, submitting your site to Google is a NO BRAINER. Taking a simple measure like this can help potential readers discover your books and build an audience!
It’s a great way to actively get the word out there about you and your literature. Not only is it cost effective, but it also helps ensure that you are maximizing the reach of all that effort you’ve put in to write such stupendous content.
What could be better? So go ahead, take a few minutes from your busy schedule and read some articles on how to submit your website to Google so that more readers can find you. You won’t regret it!
Ultimately, taking advantage of getting your works seen by Google will benefit authors in the long run by letting as many readers as possible know about your amazing work – and what better reward is there than that?

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